The recently aired SBS drama 지옥에서 온 판사 has captured the attention of many viewers. With its unique blend of reality and fantasy, this drama has captivated audiences. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the drama’s overview, plot, cast, viewer impressions, pros and cons, and reasons why you should watch it. Overview 지옥에서 온 판사 tells the story of a demon who appears in the human world to judge criminals. The drama tackles the intriguing theme of justice and sin, offering viewers a sense of catharsis. The promotional poster, with its striking colors and intense characters, piques the curiosity of the audience. Plot The protagonist of the drama is Kang Bitna, a demon who serves as a judge for criminals in the human world. She teams up with a passionate human detective, Han Daon, to bring criminals to justice. Along the way, the drama highlights a variety of criminal cases, exposing viewers to real-world societal issues. The show addresses a range of crimes, including domestic ...